So you’d like to learn ABC™? Great, we can get you there!

Learning ABC™ is a rewarding process that requires time and effort. It is however very exciting to know you are just weeks from basic competency and for those who choose to fast-track their learning, only months from being a Level 1 certified practitioner.
For most people, the first step in learning ABC™ is attending your first live seminar, creatively titled: Stream 1. Stream 1 will ground you in the theory and teach you all the adjustments. You’ll love it, It’s very hands on. You’ll leave well on your way to seeing the changes you’ve seen or heard about (that probably brought you to this page).
Click the link below if you’re ready to book a live Stream 1 seminar. Stream 1 is $995 (though do read on to learn more about the next learning steps and how you can package steps for better value).
Next you’ll need to enrol in ABC™ Online. It’s our new online course that supports your continued development. It’s a life-long resource for the registered owner. It has substantially more detail than the live seminar. It is comprised of two modules.
Module 1 covers everything that you were introduced to in Stream 1. Completion of Module 1 (which includes a video submission of your progress) is a prerequisite for participation in any learning beyond your first Stream 1 seminar. For people who want to get started today, you can start your learning directly with Module 1 (and you’ll be ahead of the class when you get to your Stream 1 live seminar).
Click the link below if you’re ready to purchase ABC Online (Module 1). Module 1 is $1680, though can be packaged with Stream 1 for $2200. This package price will also include your first year of ABCA membership, unlocking a number of member benefits without the $385 membership fee. Further steps can also be packaged, so please keep reading.
Some chiropractors choose to limit their adjusting to just the Stream 1 content. That’s OK. They’ll still see good changes in both pain relief and posture but won’t have the tools to truly ‘unwind’ people and on occasion this will mean they need to refer to a certified practitioner.
For most practitioners the next step is learning the Meningeal Releases™ in a live seminar environment. This step we call Stream 2. Stream 1 and Module 1 are prerequisites for Stream 2. This live seminar experience is again very hands on and you’ll begin to develop skills and confidence in performing these game-changing manoeuvres.
Click the link below if you’re ready to book a live Stream 2 seminar. Stream 2 is $995. It can also be packaged with the accompanying online module or indeed the entire learning curriculum from step one to certification (for those that keep reading).

Module 2 covers everything that you were introduced to in Stream 2. As with Module 1, it is updated whenever necessary at no further fee to registered users. It is at the completion of Module 2 and a submission of a video demonstrating basic competence in both modules that level one certification can be achieved. Level 1 Certification is included with Module 2 once the required competency is demonstrated). Again, for people who want to get started asap (and of course once you are eligible) you can get started with Module 2 before you have been to Stream 2 (you’ll again be ahead of the class when you get to your Stream 2 live seminar, with certification awarded only once both are completed and competency demonstrated).
Click the link below if you’re ready to purchase ABC Online (Module 2). Module 2 is $2050, though can be packaged with Stream 2 for $2575.
Finally, The Beginner to Certification Package. It includes everything outlined above: Streams 1 & 2, Modules 1 & 2, first year of ABCA membership and Level One Certification. We are even happy for you to repeat attend other S1 or S2 in-person seminars that year at no further cost*. This is what most of our best practitioners have done.
Click the link below if you’re ready to purchase The Beginner to Certification Package. This package is $4450, it represents our very best value, in fact bought in its component parts it’d be $5835 (or significantly more if you take advantage of the bonus seminars on offer).
This above described learning pathway completes one phase of your development as an ABC™ practitioner. Some people take the fast-track and attend both S1 & S2 in the same seminar series. That is our best recommendation, it can mean certification in only months. Others choose a slower pace and simply do S1/M1 in one cycle of seminars and look at S2/M2 the next year.

Once certified Level 1, practitioners continue to do refresher S1 and S2’s, as well as Advanced Seminars, EndoNasal Cranial Correction Seminars, Conventions and 1 on 1 Coaching to move through Certification levels 2-4 to achieve Master Practitioner. See details of further seminars and certification processes by clicking the appropriate hyperlink.
*This includes up until but not including the next series in your primary city.
The below graphic shows the learning pathway